オッフェンバック:「パリの喜び」"Gaite Parisienne"

指揮: 山田 和樹 Kazuki Yamada
モンテカルロ・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra
23 September, 2016



Gaite Parisienne (literally, "Parisian Gaiety") is a ballet choreographed by Leonide Massine to music by Jacques Offenbach orchestrated by Manuel Rosenthal in collaboration with Jacques Brindejonc-Offenbach, the composer's nephew.
With a libretto and decor by Comte Etienne de Beaumont and costumes executed by Barbara Karinska, it was first presented by the Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo at the Theatre de Monte Carlo on 5 April 1938.

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