ヘンデル:ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第2番 作品1-10 ト短調 HWV 368

ヴァイオリン: ヘンリク・シェリング Henryk Szeryng
チェンバロ: ユゲット・ドレフュス Huguette Dreyfus

Ⅰ Andante
Ⅱ Allegro
Ⅲ Adagio
Ⅳ Allegro

The Violin sonata in G minor (HWV 368) is a work for violin and basso continuo that was originally thought to have been composed by George Frideric Handel. Modern scholars however believe it doubtful that the work was composed by Handel, and have labelled it as "spurious". The work is also referred to as Opus 1 No. 10, and was first published in 1732 by Walsh. Other catalogues of Handel's music have referred to the work as HG xxvii,37; and HHA iv/4,28.

Both the Walsh edition and the Chrysander edition indicate that the work is for violin, and published it as Sonata X. In both editions, the tempo of movement four is unmarked (but appears to be an allegro, or similar).


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