J.S.バッハ:ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第1番 ロ短調 BWV 1014

ヴァイオリン: マキシム・ヴェンゲーロフ Maxim Vengerov
ピアノ:ポリーナ・オセチンスカヤ Polina Osetinskaya
Recorded live in Sala Verdi, Milano, November 15, 2022.

1. Adagio 00.48
2. Allegro 04.27
3. Andante 07.29
4. Allegro 10.32

The pianist plays Bach quite well but the violinist plays as if he's in the Romantic era.
This is a violin sonata so why is the piano louder than the violin? Poor recording.

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