J.S.バッハ: ソプラノ独唱カンタータ BWV 199 第2曲 "Stumme Seufzer, stille Klagen"

指揮: ジョン・エリオット・ガーディナー John Eliot Gardiner
イギリス・バロック管弦楽団 English Baroque Soloists
オーボエ: マルセル・ポンセール Marcel Ponseele
メゾ ソプラノ: マグダレーナ・コジェナー Magdalena Kozena
St Davids Cathedral in Wales, 2000

Kantate BWV 199
1. Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut(Recitative)
2. Stumme Seufzer, stille Klagen(Aria) 沈黙のため息、静かな嘆き
3. Doch Gott muss mir genadig sein(Recitative)
4. Tief gebuckt und voller Reue(Aria)
5. Auf diese Schmerzensreu( Recitative)
6. Ich, dein betrubtes Kind(Chorale)
7. Ich lege mich in diese Wunden(Recitative)
8. Wie freudig ist mein Herz( Aria)

Johann Sebastian Bach composed the church cantata Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut (My heart swims in blood) BWV 199 in Weimar between 1711 and 1714, and performed it on the eleventh Sunday after Trinity, 12 August 1714. It is a solo cantata for soprano.

The text was written by Georg Christian Lehms and published in Darmstadt in 1711 in the collection Gottgefalliges Kirchen-Opffer, on the general topic of redemption. The librettist wrote a series of alternating recitatives and arias, and included as the sixth movement (of eight) the third stanza of Johann Heermann's hymn "Wo soll ich fliehen hin". It is not known when Bach composed the work, but he performed it as part of his monthly cantata productions on the eleventh Sunday after Trinity, 12 August 1714. The solo voice is accompanied by a Baroque instrumental ensemble of oboe, strings and continuo. The singer expresses in a style similar to Baroque opera the dramatic development from feeling like a "monster in God's eyes" to being forgiven. Bach revised the work for later performances, leading to three different editions in the Neue Bach-Ausgabe.


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