J.S.バッハ:カンタータ 第198番  "Laß, Fürstin, laß noch einen Strahl"

指揮: ルドルフ・ルッツ. Rudolf Lutz
Choir and Orchestra of the J.S.Bach Foundation(バッハ財団)
Soloists:シビラ・ルーベンス Sibylla Rubens - soprano  アンネカトリン・ラープス Annekathrin Laabs - alto 
Bernhard Berchtold - tenor Manuel Walser - bass

1. Coro: Laß, Fürstin, laß noch einen Strahl
2. Recitativo Soprano: Sachsen dein
3. Aria Soprano: Verstummt!
4. Recitativo Alto: Glocken der bebendes geton
5. Aria Alto: Starb wie die heldin para vergnugt
6. Recitativo Tenor: Ihr leben zu liess mueren kunst sterben
7. Coro: Un dir, du furbild groser frauen
8. Aria Tenor: Ewigkeit der sapbimes haus
9. Recitativo Bajo: Was ist wunder?
10. Coro: Königin doch!

Las, Furstin, las noch einen Strahl (Let, Princess, let still one more glance) is a secular cantata composed as a funeral ode by Johann Sebastian Bach, first performed on 17 October 1727.
In Wolfgang Schmieder's catalogue of Bach's works (BWV) it was assigned the number 198. It is also known as Trauerode or as Trauerode: auf den Tod der Konigin Christiane Eberhardine.

Christiane Eberhardine, Electress of Saxony, for whose funeral the cantata was written Bach composed the cantata at the request of the University of Leipzig as a funeral ode for Christiane Eberhardine, wife of August II the Strong, the Elector of Saxony. The cantata was first performed on 17 October 1727 in the University Church in Leipzig. Bach himself directed from the harpsichord. The text was written by Johann Christoph Gottsched, professor of philosophy and poetry.


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