J.S.バッハ:カンタータ BWV 104 "Du Hirte Israel, höre "

指揮: カール・リヒター Karl Richter
Munchener Bach Chor / Munchener Bach Orchester
Peter Schreier, Tenor / Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Bass

Du Hirte Israel, höre (You Shepherd of Israel, hear),BWV 104, is a church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach. He composed it for the second Sunday after Easter in Leipzig and first performed it on 23 April 1724.

Scoring and structure
The cantata in six movements is scored for tenor and bass soloists, a four-part choir, two oboes (No.s 1 & 6), two oboes d'amore (No.s 3 & 5), taille (tenor oboe), two violins, viola and basso continuo.


inserted by FC2 system