J.S.バッハ: カンタータ BWV 99 "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan"

指揮:ヨス・ファン・フェルトホーフェン Jos van Veldhoven
オランダ・バッハ協会合唱団 & 管弦楽団 Netherlands Bach Society
Gerlinde Samann, soprano / Damien Guillon, alto
Charles Daniels, tenor / Peter Kooij, bass
Recorded for the project All of Bach on February 7th 2015 at the Grote Kerk, Naarden.

'Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan', performed by the Netherlands Bach Society for All of Bach, originated in Bach’s second year in Leipzig. He was working at the time on a complete series of ‘chorale cantatas’, taking inspiration each week from a well-known hymn. He usually used the words of the first and last verses literally and arranged the in-between verses to suit the sermon of the day ? in this case, the Sermon on the Mount.)

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