J.S.バッハ:カンタータ BWV 33 "Allein zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ"

指揮:Gilles Michels
Stichting Bachcantates Tilburg (Foundation for the performance of Bach's Cantates in Tilburg)
This is a live recording of the performance on 7 October 2018 in the Broekhovense Kerk in Tilburg.
7 October, 2018

00:00 Intro
00:08 1. Koor 合唱
04:48 2. Recitatief (bas)
05:54 3. Aria (alt)
14:52 4. Recitatief (tenor)
16:09 5. Aria-duet (tenor & bas)
20:09 6. Koraal コラール(koor)

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