J.S.バッハ:ブランデンブルグ協奏曲 第5番 BWV 1050

クラウディオ・アバド Claudio Abbado
モーツァルト管弦楽団 Orchestra Mozart
Giuliano Carmignola - Violin / Ottavio Dantone - Harpsichord / Jacques Zoon - Flute
at the Teatro Municipale Valli in Reggio Emilia, Italy 2007

00:08 I. Allegro
09:00 II. Affettuoso
14:03 III. Allegro

Johann Sebastian Bach wrote his fifth Brandenburg Concerto, BWV 1050.2 (formerly 1050), for harpsichord, flute and violin as soloists, and an orchestral accompaniment consisting of strings and continuo. An early version of the concerto, BWV 1050.1 (formerly 1050a), originated in the late 1710s. On 24 March 1721 Bach dedicated the final form of the concerto to Margrave Christian Ludwig of Brandenburg.


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