古楽アンサンブル: Combattimento Consort Amsterdam

* Combattimento plays music from the baroque period. Known and unknown works from 17th- and 18th-century baroque music form the core of our repertoire, especially the styles in which fantasy and movement play a major role.
The members of Combattimento, each with solo qualities, carry a wealth of accumulated knowledge and experience and want to share this with the public. Together we form a close-knit ensemble that has worked for years and continues to work on a unique sound and play: energetic, fiery, style-conscious.

The ensemble likes to come close to you and wants to make classical music lively and fascinating for you. You therefore come across us a lot on smaller stages, such as beautiful churches, intimate concert halls or an old castle. There you are literally close to us and you experience the musical experience even more intensely. Entertaining and informative explanations during the concert give you a glimpse into the background of this music.

Combattimento plays on modern instruments, convinced that the sound intensity of this matches the listening practice of the contemporary concert visitor. We look at Baroque music through modern glasses and then make new discoveries. This is primarily an experimental affair that takes shape during the rehearsals.

Together we explore the boundaries of baroque extravagance and spectacle. How did the music sound then? Can it be a bit rougher now? Can it be slightly slower? Or more dynamic? The result: exciting and energetic concerts with which we surprise and focus on you. Whether it is a 'classic' as the Concert for two violins in d-klein by Bach or, for example, music from the now lesser known but at least as fascinating Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello. Come to our concerts and experience how we bring the music to life for you

Combattimento regularly collaborates with top soloists such as Liza Ferschtman, Maarten Koningsberger, Lisa Larsson, Helena Rasker, Cecile de Sant and Johannette Zomer and with companies such as the Scapino Ballet Rotterdam and the Nationale Reisopera. In the past, the ensemble made various tours under the name Combattimento Consort Amsterdam in Germany, Spain, Central Europe, South America, Japan, Russia and the United States. More than 35 CD and DVD productions were also realized.

Combattimento will receive a grant from the Performing Arts Fund in 2017 and on a project basis from the VSB Fund. That is a big support in order to professionalise the organization of this beautiful ensemble and to be able to bring the level of performances to a higher level. In addition, we are still very happy with the incredibly great dedication and passion of the musicians themselves and a handful of Friends volunteers.

* Combattimento is the continuation of the former Combattimento Consort Amsterdam that ended its activities at the end of January 2014.


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