指揮者:レオナルド・ガルシア・アラルコン Leonardo Garcia Alarcon

Leonardo Garcia Alarcon (born 1976 in La Plata) is an Argentinian conductor specializing in baroque music.

He studied harpsichord and organ and was assistant to Gabriel Garrido for several years, before founding the ensemble Cappella Mediterranea, with whom he has performed at many festivals, particularly the Festival d'Ambronay. Following a performance of Il diluvio universale by Michelangelo Falvetti (1642-1692), he received the medaille de citoyen d'honneur d'Ambronay. He teaches at the Geneva Conservatoire and carries out research into 17th century basso continuo playing.

He shares direction of the Ensemble Clematis with violinist Stephanie de Failly. Since 2010 he is artistic director of the Ch?ur de chambre de Namur, and La Nouvelle Menestrandie.

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