声楽アンサンブル:テネブレ合唱団 The Tenebrae Choir

The Tenebrae Choir is a professional vocal ensemble founded and directed by former King's Singer Nigel Short.

Co-founded by Short and Barbara Pollock in 2001, its repertoire covers works from the 16th to the 21st Century.

In 2006 it toured Joby Talbot's Path of Miracles to the churches in Spain on the Camino route, and formed an association with the London Symphony Orchestra and released an album "Allegri: Miserere" of choral works ranging from Gregorio Allegri's Miserere to works by Benjamin Britten and John Tavener on the Signum Classics label.

They have also ventured into more popular genres, performing "So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish" in the film version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Tenebrae can also be heard on the soundtrack of the film Children of Men.


Tenebrae テネブレ《復活祭の前の週の聖木・金・土曜日の3日間に行なう朝課・賛課;キリストの受難と死を記念して行なわれる》

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