エリザベート・ブラッスール合唱団 Elisabeth Brasseur Choir

The Elisabeth Brasseur choir is a French vocal ensemble created in 1920 and named after its founder in 1943.


From 1920 Elisabeth Brasseur founded at Versailles the Women's Choir of the Church of St.Joan of Arc, which later became mixed and took the name of Chorale Elisabeth Brasseur in 1943. This training was to become one of the most famous post-war choir formations, participating in many concerts, and creating works by French-speaking composers, such as Arthur Honegger's " Cantata de Noel ", created in Basel. in 1953, or in executing Florent Schmitt's Psalm XLVII in his presence, and to which she confided: "How can one sing that and not be melted?.


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